Gids Business Guide for cultural entrepeneurs (English)
Increase your chances in 8 steps
By taking you on the Entrepreneurship route in 8 steps, Cultuur+Ondernemen helps you find your direction in your work. We teach you to stay in touch with your artistic values and strengths while binding paying customers to your idea, service or product. To ask yourself what audience would benefit from your work.
We offer lots of inspiration, tips and stories from artists, an actor, a musician, an architect and a documentary maker. These are all eye-openers that show you how your artistic qualities can be used really well in your development as an entrepreneur.
Each chapter brings you new insights. Looking for finance? The guide offers a questionlist to make your financial needs clear and provides you with an overview of resources. Need help negotiating? The Business Guide guides you to the most relevant 'CAO's', example of Terms of Agreement and invoice demands.
Tips & Tricks
The guide offers must-have apps, from time tracking apps to tools to help you plan your day and books that challenge you to get your professional identity on paper. The guide is packed with tips and tricks to develop your entrepreneurial side.
To add some variety to the theory, we added some nice reading material in the form of interview with other creatives that share their entrepreneurial stories. They share their best and worst moments living. For example, documentary maker Anke Teunissen (Nestblijvers) tells you why commercial work isn't always the best business decision. Michaël Bloos (Nieuwe Helden) explains that making a movie, that didn't make him a single penny, was one of his best business decisions he's ever made.
Mede mogelijk gemaakt door het Europees Sociaal Fonds
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Bel Krista Heijster
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